Monday, April 13, 2009

Female Vets Struggling to Get Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The war in Iraq has been now been raging for six years.

It's the first war where women in the U.S. military are in combat roles.

Even years after serving in Iraq, female veterans are still adjusting to civilian life.

At a women's veterans art show in San Francisco vets say the six year anniversary of the war brings back painful memories.

"The 6 year anniversary has me thinking about the friends that I lost. And the friends that I still have who have been forever scared by the war," said Iraq war veteran Lindsey Rousseau-Burnett.

Many of the women we talked to say they are getting psychiatric help from the Veteran's Administration.

But they say the agency is behind the times.

"Because women supposedly aren't in combat they have a higher burden of proof to try and prove they have PTSD," said vet Kayla Williams.

The veteran's service organization Swords to Plowshares says female Iraq war vets are the fastest growing population of homeless.

"There numbers in terms of homelessness is growing exponentially. There are very few services for them because homeless veterans services, VA services have grown up serving a male cliental," said Swords to Plowshares Amy Fair-Weather.

These vets are hoping sharing their stories through pictures and books will help make the road to recovery easier for the women currently serving in Iraq.

© 2009 NBC News

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