But a few films stand out in my mind as sympathetic. A few actually manage to shed a little light into the corners - educating as well as entertaining. So I thought I'd like to share some of my favorites:
A Beautiful Mind - Probably the most powerful look at the functioning life of a paranoid schizophrenic that you'll find. Furthermore it addresses the issues of what constitutes recovery. Russell Crowe was brilliant...
Reign Over Me - This look at Post Traumatic Stress is genuine and sympathetic and Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle are wonderful.
Mr. Jones - Richard Gere stars in a very real portrayal of Bipolar Disorder. Points off for romantic involvement with his doctor, but still really good.
As Good As It Gets - Jack Nicholson (who usually just plays himself) portrays a rather crusty case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in this delightful film. It's all about acceptance, folks.
Off the Map - This one is a little out there, but it shows an intimate portrait of clinical depression even if the characters are... shall we say... different. Starring Sam Elliot and Joan Allen as a couple living a minimalist lifestyle with a precocious daughter and a confused IRS agent in the mix. I found this film realistic in it's interpretation of depression and its impact both on the sufferer and those around him. It's a little bit of a fairy tale, but I enjoyed it.
I'll try to think of more.
Hi! What do you think about "Girl Interrupted"? Or have you seen it? I really liked it, although there is a lot of negative potrayal of the mentally ill in there and some weird thing going on.
Oh ya, the one I'm really curious to hear your views on is "Fight Club." That guy was super intellegent :)
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