I'm so disappointed. I really love your movies. You both seem like such regular fellows - talented and good looking, with nice families. But then you do these interviews and talk about things that you know nothing about. When you say these things - that psychiatry doesn't help anyone and that psychotropic drugs are responsible for school shootings - from what experience are you speaking?
You see I have experience with these things. I remember holding my beautiful new baby daughter and carefully planning my walk to the next room, where the gun was, and what I would do next. I was out of my mind, of course, struggling with a hormone imbalance of biblical proportions. Tom, how can you say this was not real? I'm here to tell you that vitamins would not have helped. I've watched my son struggle without Depakote and I've watched him on it, and let me tell you that he NEEDS that drug like he needs oxygen. So John, you want to blame school shootings on this kind of drug?
I think it's easy to say what other people should do hypothetically. I've heard you say that these are your opinions and that you are entitled to them. Maybe so. But when people of your position speak, other people listen. It's the responsibility of fame. So when some ill informed mother denies her 16 year old the antidepressant that his doctor recommends because she read your interview in W magazine, and that 16 year old takes his life, will you give her comfort?
It must be nice to be healthy. It must be nice to feel right. But you don't have a clue. And knowing that you are comfortable making judgments about things that you know nothing about, makes me very uncomfortable about you. I think I'll skip your next movie, boys.
Sincerely, Trish
Read about Travolta's opinions, as thousands of others have, here.
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